Saturday, October 29, 2011

My new project!

I have wanted to start a blog about crocheting for a long time. I finally decided to do it. So let's have a conversation about crocheting! Let me introduce myself to you. I'm Valerie Rehrman. I've been crocheting for nearly 40 years. That means I started around 11 but I started taking it seriously about 15 years ago. It's my favorite past time. I'm never far from a ball of yarn!!

I usually do afghans but lately I've been branching out and doing baby items and novelty items. It's been a lot of fun. I get tripped up on some stitches but I try to work my way through it. I've ripped out projects 2 and 3 times just to learn a new stitch!!

Let's start talking! What are your favorite yarns? What are your secret tricks!! What do your projects look like? Do you have a big collection of hooks? Have you started collecting patterns from the internet? We have a lot to talk about!

Let's start a Crocheting Conversation!

This is my favorite project. It's called Sunny Spread. 

An apply cozy!!!
This is a project I just finished for a friend who is having a brand new bouncing baby boy!

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