I spend a lot of time searching the Internet for topics and beautiful images of crochet projects. I love to see the creativeness and ingenuity that crafters, crocheters, knitters produce. Colors, shapes, sizes. Yesterday I stumbled upon T-shirt yarn. I guess I've seen it before but being a hardcore "yarn" person from the traditional method, (which is standing in front of a wall of yarn at my favorite store and trying to decide what to buy) I never even considered T-shirt yarn. What?.....But then I came across the tutorial that I will begin this week's blog with. By the time I finished watching it I was already running an inventory of all of my husband's T-shirts in the drawers, boxes and closet. Nothing is safe now.....I keep thinking of making a basket with all different colors, or a rug. He won't really miss his Yooper U T-Shirt from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan do you think? Hmmmm....
Take a look at the tutorial and see if you won't become addicted to this new form of crochet. Learn to cut the T-shirt, create the yarn and get started. Enjoy!
Oh You Crafty Gal created this beautiful Pouf Ottoman Floor Cushion. |
How cute is this Round Heart Crocheted UpCycled T-Shirt Area Rug? You can find it at www.inhabitots.com |
As many of you know if you visit this blog I am obsessed with stacks of crocheted squares before they are assembled into an afghan, pillow or whatever. They are like little towers of color to me. I'll post pics whenever I come across some really great stacks. But now, I may become obsessed with balls of T-shirt yarn. My creative brain is running 100 miles an hour!! |
What a cute housewarming gift these would make! T-Shirt Dishclothes from dollarcrafts.com. Just pop them right in the washer and dryer! |
This lovely basket from atgaiva on flickriver would also make a lovely gift. The color combinations are endless! |
Another beautiful basket. I see this one filled with apples in the fall. It comes from MammaEarthCreations. |
How can you not love this circular run creation from recyclingartistemily! This 3ft rug is just gorgeous! Can't even wait to start one! |
From Homework - Today's Assignment: Be Inspired comes these creative braided drink coasters. |
I feel sexy in my jeans and wearing
my boyfriend's T-shirt
- Jennifer Aniston
It's a Graphic Design thing... |
Very cool! I'm going raid Tim's T-shirt "collection"